How could I not be the happiest Mommy in the world, when I get to spend all my days with the silliest, most joyful little girl? My days are filled with laughter and happiness because of Addi. She LOVES to be silly!
She always wakes up sweet and happy after her naps.
Clint was in the Dominican Republic when Addison got her first tooth! For two weeks I could tell she had not been feeling well, so I stayed home from the trip. I took this picture right after I found her first little snaggle tooth popping out on the bottom!
I bought this for Ad the week Clint was gone. It has been one of her most favorite toys.
See the tiger in her left hand? Gampa gave it to her, and for weeks and weeks, she would not let go of it. She held it while she ate, while she was in the bath, and even while she was asleep! Thanks Oriental Trading, for making a weird plastic finger puppet that my baby was obsessed with!
Caught making a mess!
Snaggle tooth!
One day Addison just started making this face. She does it when she is frustrated or mad, or when she gets hurt. Now she'll do it when she wants to make us laugh.
Happy girl after her nap. Her hair is always so curly and pretty when she wakes up.
Watching the tube with Daddy. Addison's favorites are Dora and Diego!
Always rough housing with Daddy! She loves to be on his shoulders and run around... and loves to be thrown up in the air, much to her Mommy's dislike!
Naked baby in the pool!
Out of all her stuffed animals and dollies, this is what Addison chose to put in her stroller. Beware the YETI! She pushed him around and took care of him all day. Silly baby!
Our little monkey. Always happy in the morning...
We turned our "office" into Addison's "playroom". Slowly but surely, every room in the house is dedicated to Addison and her toys!
Geeze... I sure wish I looked this pretty in the morning!
Every morning when Clint is getting ready for work, Addison will put on his shoes and his belt and walk around the house. Apparently she thinks it's really funny:) She'll also do it with my shoes and hats.
Growing up too fast... already trying on Mommy's bras!
Right after Addison had woken up from her nap, I went in with my camera and told her to smile... this is her "smile". She is saying "cheeeeese!".... Cute girl. Look at those teeth!
Someday Addison will most likely be mad at me for posting these pictures, but they are just too cute! We turned on Chris Brown's "Forever" in her play room full blast. She has honestly loved that song since she was a baby. Here she is in her big-girl Dora panties doing pleays, leg lifts, jumping, dancing, and of course, running around like an idiot with Cynder Dog.
We call her "Ragga Muffin"!
A lot of the pictures we take of Addison turn out to be just a blur, because she is ALWAYS running!
Best picture ever. I still laugh at it every time I see it.
Our little dare devil. She loves the swings... and the higher the better! Thank you Addison, for bringing so much joy into everyone's lives. We love you!
I am so happy that you guys have a blog now. It is so fun to peek in on your life. Addi is adorable and you seem so happy. Little girls really are so much fun!